
The most important thing...

This weekend it’s Thanksgiving here in Canada, and where I live there is just so much to be grateful for!

If I made a list of everything I could think of it would be very long indeed. It includes my wonderful family, many like-minded friends, my health, the place I live and play, my studio, the wind, the ocean, sunny October days...

And then I was thinking...

All of these ‘things’ come and go. Relationships change, families evolve, children grow and live their own lives, careers change, sunny October days become rainy November days...

What am I most grateful for?

When life inevitably changes and I feel overwhelmed, sad or in a place of just ‘not knowing’ I say to myself, “Well, I always have Me.” I am so grateful for that connection I have. It always brings me back to a feeling of ‘Home’ and presence. Of just Be-ing. I'm my own best friend.

When I feel like throwing my arms up in the air and saying, “I give up!” It’s also nice to be able to say, “Well, I’m just going to paint.” Then I let everything else go...

That’s the most important thing.

Peace, Love, Beauty.