When I create a painting it’s just like creating anything in life.
It begins with a vision; an idea...
I imagine the details... The size of the canvas, the colours and feeling sense I want to create…
And then I decide.
I buy my materials and take action to begin.
I start with a drawing on canvas, mapping it out and creating a structure for the painting.
As I begin to draw and paint I get to know my painting… Aligning with my vision.
There comes a point when I no longer ‘think’ about what I am creating and it becomes an intuitive process. The painting paints itself.
I allow it to become it’s own unique expression.
‘This world is but a canvas for our imagination.’ ~ Henry David Thoreau
Express is the seventh step of the creative process.
Your life is an expression of You.
When you live the essence of your dream, your life and dreams are created from the inside out. What you express is what you are.
'My painting is like no other. It is an expression from my spirit and soul. It is who I really am.' ~ Billie F. Mathis
What was once a vision in your mind’s eye is now visible in your life. What was once a dream is now real.