Everywhere I see feathers...

One day feathers began to appear in my life. They dropped down from the sky to land on my path as I walked, floated gracefully past my window when I looked out, and appeared in the most unexpected places...


I started thinking of them as a sign… A message.

So when I was lost in thought, gazing out my window and a feather floated by… I paid special attention to what I was thinking about.

I began to see feathers everywhere… And sometimes they showed up in the most unusual places. Like the time I noticed a blue-green feather sticking out of a friend’s cap. I pulled it out… a pretty budgie feather! Where did that come from?!…

A friend told me once that when feathers appear they are messages from angels.

Perhaps. Angels do have wings...

To me they are a symbol that tells me ~ I’m on the right path.

Do you see feathers on your path?

Do you have a symbol that tells you, you’re on the right path?

Are you on the path to your dream?

Sometimes we need a little guidance along the way, so here are my…

Seven Tips to help you transition, from where you are now, to where you want to be:

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