Just imagine...

I love my imagination. We are best friends.

As a child I lived in the world of my imagination. I could sit for hours daydreaming out my bedroom window... 

Time ceased to exist.

With my imagination I can travel wherever I want. I can revisit past pleasures and visit future dreams...

Sometimes I just say to myself, “Well, I can always go there in my imagination!”

The past and future exist only in our minds. We can change our past and future by what we imagine right now.

Live out of your imagination, not your history. ~ Steven Covey

So when I wake up in the morning I begin imagining my day. I imagine the new painting I’m going to create... Where I might live or travel to... my next project to birth... I imagine all the details of this waking dream...

Just imagine...

If you could be, do or have the life of your dreams ~ What would you create? 

What can you imagine?...

If you can imagine it, you can create it. If you can dream it, you can become it. ~ William Arthur Ward

Are you ready to start living the life you've imagined? Click here for your 21 Day Dream Journey and bring your dreams to life.



The path to your dreams...

I wanted to be an artist when I grew up. That was my dream.

It was so simple and clear really... I wanted to create art and express the beauty I experienced in the world around me.

So why did life get in the way?

Perhaps it was a test to see how strong my desire was. Or maybe I just needed to become stronger...

Well, it’s been a long and winding road to my dreams with many distractions along the way...

And now it’s good to be Home. Home is the dream.

Home is where the heArt is... truly.

When we live our dreams we live an inspired life of deeper meaning, purpose and happiness.

Do you have a dream inside you waiting to be born? Are you ready to live the life you imagined?

I've created a 21 Day Dream Journey to help you transition and make your dreams a reality. This is a peaceful, gentle, yet powerful way to connect to your Self and change your life.

The 21 Day Dream Journey begins November 11th ~ Will you join me?

To walk on the path to your dreams click here...


Second Sleep

It’s time for my second sleep.

I’ve been awake since 3:30 in the morning. It was a dream that woke me... a dream that came with a wonderful new idea. So I sat up in bed, opened my great, big, idea book... and began to write...

We are such stuff
As dreams are made on, and our little life
Is rounded with a sleep ~ The Tempest, William Shakespeare

I love early mornings. It is the perfect time for writing. The rest of the world is sleeping... As dawn breaks I’ll walk down to the sea... and watch the world come to life again...

I’ve come to accept the ebb and flow of my sleep. Like the tide it seems to rise and fall with the moon cycle... And I make the most of it. Some days it is high tide and waves of tiredness flow over me... I let myself be carried out to sea to drift on the ocean of my dreams...

Other times the tide is low and sleep just laps at my ankles... I am awake, alert, active... that’s when ideas rouse me from my slumber and demand to be written down. So I go with the flow...

It’s 10:00 am and I’ve already had a full day.

A person who has not done one half his day's work by ten o'clock, runs a chance of leaving the other half undone. 
~ Emily Bronte

Now it’s time for my second sleep...

What is Art?

What is Art? It is the response of man's creative soul to the call of the Real. ~ Rabindranath Tagore

Art is beauty, inspiration and magic...

I love creating... transforming the visions in my mind to form on canvas. When I write I transform the words and ideas swirling in my mind and bring them together as an expression on paper. When I dance I express through movement...

Through art I express and create mySelf. I define who I am through what I do and how I express.

Every artist dips his brush in his own soul, and paints his own nature into his pictures. ~ Henry Ward Beecher

How we live is an expression of who we are. Everything we do, say, wear, eat, think about... is our art.

Everything in creation has its appointed painter or poet and remains in bondage like the princess in the fairy tale 'til its appropriate liberator comes to set it free. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

Art is the expression of our inherent beauty and way of Being in the world.


What do you love?

I love waking up to a new day.

I love bedtime too... wondering what adventures I’ll have in dreamland...

I love listening to the rain when I’m cozy inside... or walking in the rain with a brightly coloured umbrella...

I love lying on my big rock that overlooks the sea... the summer breeze whispering over me... tall grasses growing... waves, seagulls... summer...

The letter S, the letters R, A...

The number 5,

The colour red.

Hour-long northern sunsets...

Travelling, adventures...


I love creating. I love the whole process of creating. To create is to Live. Creating is magical...

What do you love?


The most important thing...

This weekend it’s Thanksgiving here in Canada, and where I live there is just so much to be grateful for!

If I made a list of everything I could think of it would be very long indeed. It includes my wonderful family, many like-minded friends, my health, the place I live and play, my studio, the wind, the ocean, sunny October days...

And then I was thinking...

All of these ‘things’ come and go. Relationships change, families evolve, children grow and live their own lives, careers change, sunny October days become rainy November days...

What am I most grateful for?

When life inevitably changes and I feel overwhelmed, sad or in a place of just ‘not knowing’ I say to myself, “Well, I always have Me.” I am so grateful for that connection I have. It always brings me back to a feeling of ‘Home’ and presence. Of just Be-ing. I'm my own best friend.

When I feel like throwing my arms up in the air and saying, “I give up!” It’s also nice to be able to say, “Well, I’m just going to paint.” Then I let everything else go...

That’s the most important thing.

Peace, Love, Beauty.


Where do dreams come from?

Upon waking it’s easy to say, “Oh, that was just a dream.” We know that we are the dreamer and we are also the dream. The dream comes from us. It does not exist outside of us.

We are the dream.      
In our waking lives we are the observer and everything we see and experience is also us. It is a reflection of who we are...

In the same way, what we dream and imagine for our lives shows us what we most desire to become as our soul’s greatest expression. Our dreams are messages from our soul telling us who we are meant to be and what we are meant to do in this world.

Our dreams come from the essence of who we are. When you honour your dreams you honour your Self.

What is your dream?

How will you honour your dream?