As a child I lived in the world of my imagination. I could sit for hours daydreaming out my bedroom window...
With my imagination I can travel wherever I want. I can revisit past pleasures and visit future dreams...
Sometimes I just say to myself, “Well, I can always go there in my imagination!”
The past and future exist only in our minds. We can change our past and future by what we imagine right now.
Live out of your imagination, not your history. ~ Steven Covey
So when I wake up in the morning I begin imagining my day. I imagine the new painting I’m going to create... Where I might live or travel to... my next project to birth... I imagine all the details of this waking dream...
Just imagine...
If you could be, do or have the life of your dreams ~ What would you create?
What can you imagine?...
If you can imagine it, you can create it. If you can dream it, you can become it. ~ William Arthur Ward
Are you ready to start living the life you've imagined? Click here for your 21 Day Dream Journey and bring your dreams to life.