I have a new appreciation for green.
There is so much green here... And it feels especially brilliant in the northern light. Even walking in the woods on a cloudy day, the soft, mossy green everywhere seems to light up the forest from within.
I think it truly is a healing colour.
So I made a little green therapy video... en-Joy!
I use a lot of greens and blues in my flower and nature paintings, although the painting is not usually about the blue or the green (they're not the "star" colours). I use greens and blues as background colours that support and enhance the others (they're the "supporting characters"). For me they're more neutral and relaxing so you can see more of them (can you imagine a green flower in a field of red grass?!).
Below is a painting I created from a peak into a tiny garden world... It's like a tropical jungle of colour and the painting is anything but tiny! It is my largest painting to date... (scroll down for description)
Three Graces, 48" x 72", oil on canvas
The vibrant and lush paradise of a tiny garden world of dancing flowers and hidden creatures swimming in greens and blues… Each flower becomes a figure and character of its own. These irises make me think of sisters dancing. It reminds me of dancing with my two sisters as young women growing up… expressing… in joyful, playful fun… And so I called this painting Three Graces.
This week I'm featuring 10% off all Three Graces items in the Boutique (for subscribers only).
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