I have a new appreciation for green.
There is so much green here... And it feels especially brilliant in the northern light. Even walking in the woods on a cloudy day, the soft, mossy green everywhere seems to light up the forest from within...
If I were a painting, what would I be?
I love the colour red and I’ve always loved roses, so one day, when I asked myself...
“If I were a painting, what would I be? What is the essence of Me?... ” Here is what I wrote:
Dream Catcher
Dream Catcher is the first in a series of paintings that explore the forest as a place of fairy-tales, myth and magic. In stories and legends trees are symbols of wisdom, strength, endurance, protection, secret knowledge, life and fertility...
Read MoreMidsummer Forest
One summer I spent a few weeks on a small island on the west coast of Norway. Every day I walked through the sunlit forests, along the same paths my ancestors walked on for generations. And in the evenings I’d watch as the sun slowly dipped into the sea… mesmerized by the beautiful, long, long sunsets...
Read MoreSecret View
One evening, while driving home, I looked up and saw the most amazing sky. I was transfixed. I kept driving west towards it until I could turn off and head down to the ocean. The sky was changing quickly and I wanted to capture it before the sun went down…
Read MoreVenturing into the abstract...
I'm working on a new painting. It's a little abstract...
It's fun. It's playful.
It's an adventure into the imagination.
With each shape is the hint or suggestion of a figure, a face, a story...
Essence into Art
It's hard to see things about ourselves… they can remain deeply hidden. We might sense they are there… But how can we “see” them?
I'm a very visual person, in how I experience the external world, but also in my internal world; my imagination or “mind’s eye”. So for me to understand something I need to “see” it...
Once upon a time... Painting Enchanted
I’ve been tidying, organizing and planning for my next project(s)… I like my mind to be clear before I begin something new.
Inspiration and creativity need space.
Read MoreEnchanted
My latest painting 'Enchanted' will be on display during the North Shore Art Crawl, March 5th and 6th, before moving on to its new home (overlooking the forest) in West Vancouver...
Read MoreNew Design ~ Forest Hat in Black & White
Creating a life and work I love takes time. Like growing a garden takes time...
It's a journey. And along the way I've discovered there's a cycle to this creative process...