The turning point.

The turning point.

Imagine you are on a surfboard, paddling out to sea…

In the distance you see a wave and you wonder if this is the one.

You paddle towards it...

As the wave draws nearer, looming larger and larger, you turn your board away and keep paddling. You can hear the roar of the wave coming closer and closer… You feel the energy of the wave just behind you now, about to lift you up...

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Imagine the details.

Imagine the details.

The second step in the creative process is to imagine the details.

Using your imagination is like playing in a sandbox. Like castles in the sand, you can make whatever you want.

In your imagination you can be whoever and wherever you want to be, and you can  do whatever you want to do…


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The Known and the Unknown.

The Known and the Unknown.


This is what I’m thinking about as I begin my first few pencil lines on canvas...

Trust in my dreams, trust in my vision, trust in myself... Trust in the known and the unknown.

It’s just like having a baby. When the baby is finally born and you meet him or her for the first time you say, “Oh hello! Yes of course it’s you!”...

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