Summer is...

Summer is...

Summer is... love, beauty, and deepening into your essence

What is your essence? Your essence is the vibration of your soul. When you peel away the layers of life, you discover your True Self, beyond the roles you play in physical existence...

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True Art

True Art

I learn a lot from painting pictures.

I've learned that life is just like painting. Well, after all, life itself is a creative process...

Sometimes I leave a painting for too long and it loses my interest. And like a neglected dream it is in danger of never becoming fully realized in this world...

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The Cycle of Creativity Quiz

The Cycle of Creativity Quiz

Creating a life and work I love takes time. It is a journey... 

And along the way I've discovered there is a cycle to the creative process... A never-ending cycle of becoming, blossoming, creating and transforming... Everything that is created in this world moves through these seasons... cycling continuously through life, death and re-birth.

And so I created a quiz!

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What's your dharma?

What's your dharma?

Everything in nature expresses itself in it’s own unique way. Flowers, plants, trees, animals... they don’t try to be something, they just are. And by being who they are, and doing what they are meant to do, they naturally serve other plants and animals synergistically as part of the eco-system.

So I ask myself ~ Am I living my destiny?..

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What do you really, really want?

What do you really, really want?

I’m preparing for my upcoming show... And feeling quiet and a little contemplative.

Sometimes life has a way of distracting us from what is important and what we really want for our lives.

Sometimes we think we want something... but we don’t really.

Or we think we have to do everything!


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Never let go of your dream.

Never let go of your dream.

Recently I was interviewed by Leanne Chapman for her Pearls of Wisdom ebook and blog series.

Leanne write’s about reclaiming yourself and following your own unique path to your dreams. You can visit Leanne’s website here to receive her ‘Pearls of Wisdom’ and follow along on her blog tour.

Here is an excerpt from my interview with Leanne...

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Life is a Tapestry... and Continual Emerging of Self



The more willing you are to surrender to the energy within you, the more power can flow through you. ~ Shakti Gawain

Tapestry weaves the stories of her life and transforms them to new ways of being. She is the forest floor... earthy, deep and full of riches.

Tapestry provides the nutrients for new life to begin...

​Emerging Red

Emerging Red-med.jpg

Red is the dynamic energy that flows through all living things... and emerges as herself.

Red is smart and knows what she wants. She takes decisive action to bring her dreams to reality... she creates herSelf as she desires to be.

She walks her own path...

Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself. ~ G.B. Shaw

New Pillow Designs - Emerging Red and Tapestry pillows

Visit the Essence Art™ Boutique

Emerging Red and Tapestry pillows

Emerging Red and Tapestry pillows

What's your style?

Your style is the way you paint, the way you dress, the way you move... It's the way you live your life.

Style tells people who you are and what you want to be and express in the world. It gives people a sense of who you are.

Your style is expressed through art, music, fashion... It's the car you choose to drive and the way you decorate your home. 

It's your life~style.

You cannot develop style by trying to be someone else. Style comes from knowing yourself... what you like, what you don't like, what inspires and ignites you. Your style comes from your essence and reflects your intrinsic nature to the outside world.

'Create your own style... let it be unique for yourself and yet identifiable for others.' ~ Anna Wintour

Just as every flower, tree, landscape or sunset is a unique expression of nature, so too are we all unique. To know and develop your style is to know and understand your Self.

What makes you come alive and be uniquely You? What is the essence of You?

What's your style?

One should either be a work of art, or wear a work of art. ~ Oscar Wilde

One should either be a work of art, or wear a work of art. ~ Oscar Wilde