Rose Gets Lucky

Rose Gets Lucky

“Up here,” said the voice, and Rose glanced up towards the light and entrance to the cave. There she saw a little man no bigger than a few inches tall. He had a long, pointy nose that stuck out from his green cape and hood. He looked like part of the earth and roots so Rose would not have seen him but for his madly waving arm.

“Oh, hello,” said Rose, “Who are you?”

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Into the Forest...

Into the Forest...

It was a dark and stormy winter day. Rose and her father huddled by the fire, listening to the wind howl and branches “tap, tap, tap,” against the cottage windows. 

Then came a louder “tap, tap, tap” at the door. Rose was frightened and begged her father not to open it. But the Woodsman, with heavy heart, opened the door and in came the Old Woman of the Forest looking even more ancient and dirty than before...

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The Old Woman of the Forest

The Old Woman of the Forest

Just then there was a knock at the cottage door.

The Woodsman opened the door and an old woman entered. She was as ancient as the trees with her leathery skin, and stood just three feet tall. As she came in the room her dark, green cloak trailed bits of branches and tree roots behind her. She smelled of earth and moss and had a long dirty tail...

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